PIMMS and Green Street Arts Center at Wesleyan University announce the Changing of the Guard

Recently appointed Sara MacSorley will assume the leadership role as Director to lead both PIMMS and Green Street Arts Center.  After 15 years at 178 Cross Street on the Wesleyan campus, the University moved PIMMS to its new location at 51 Green St., Middletown, CT.

The joining of these two programs with similar values, themes, and missions was seen as an opportunity of providing valuable programs for and with the greater Middletown community and enhancing University life.  PIMMS plans to expand its mission to include engagement of undergraduates as future teachers to strengthen the pipeline of people going into the math and science teaching fields.  Green Street will continue to focus on the arts but will move forward with new programs that will incorporate math and science.

Sara looks forward to meeting with local researchers and science groups in the area and exploring intersections of art, science, and math education.