Green Street Street Arts Center of Wesleyan University (GSAC) offers a variety of programs for everyone! Here is a glimpse of what’s inside.

After School Arts & Science Program – At the core of Green Street’s offerings is the After School Arts & Science Program. We have a wide array of opportunities for students in grades 1-8 to explore their creativity and develop practical skills for everyday life during after school hours. Students may enroll in a 4-day track to focus on one area of the arts, or may, with their parents, choose any combination of classes to engage in any number of the five artistic disciplines (Visual, Sound, Movement, Media, Literary) offered at Green Street. Classes are held from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM for grades 1 through 8. From 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, students may enroll in GSAC’s unique Academic Enrichment program. Friday programs take place at Macdonough Elementary School and represent an effort by Green Street and Macdonough to forge a closer bond between the North End neighborhood, the arts and the local youth resources.
Green Street works with the Board of Education to offer bus transportation from several public schools. We provide a nutritious snack to students arriving before class time, engage the surrounding community through service learning projects, and give students a venue for biannual performances and displays of work. Need-based full and partial scholarships are available upon review for any student seeking to participate in Green Street’s programs.

Evening & Weekend Program – Each evening and weekend Green Street offers courses in Movement, Music, Visual, Literary and Media Arts. Classes are generally offered in five or six week sessions and open to people through out the region. These classes are great for brushing up on old skills, learning new skills, socializing and having fun.
Friday Nights – Many Friday nights feature interesting and exciting events at Green Street. From local bands like Goodnight Blue Moon and Bus Hits Bridge to film screenings of Middletown B-Boys and To Brooklyn & Back: A Mohawk Journey and even cultural performances like the Music & Dance of Bali, there is sure to be something to spice up your Friday Night!
Sunday Salons – Led by Wesleyan professors, these information discussions present new research and cutting-edge information. You are invited join the conversation in a comfortable setting. Some of our previous discussions have included Reading the Nobel Prize Winners, Race & Politics, Music & Mystique of Downtown New York, and History in Sound & Motion. Coming soon, Thinking About Pete Seeger with Rob Rosenthal, April 25th!
Community Partnerships – Green Street continues to partner with the North End Action Team (NEAT) to offer free classes to community members including Computer Basics, Foreclosure Prevention, and First Time Homeownership.

In addition to this partnership GSAC works with the Cromwell Children’s Home, Bielfield Elementary School, Portland Park and Rec, and the Boys Club at the CT Juvenile Training School offering classes and workshops.
We continue to reach into our neighborhood working in the Erin Street Community Garden, creating murals for the neighborhood, collaborating with Oddfellows Playhouse amongst many other projects.
That is just a glimpse inside Wesleyan’s Green Street. We hope that you will come visit us soon. And check the blog regularly for interviews, information and more!